Lexington Times (November 2024)

Smart Investors Prepare for Bad Times During Good Times

The calm of an upward-trending market is the perfect time for investors to prepare for future market “storms.”

Key Updates from the Autumn Budget

We wanted to share some important updates from the Autumn Budget 2024 that may impact your financial planning.

The Stock Markets

(Updated November 2024)

The key benchmark you should care about is achieving all of your financial and life goals and not running out of money.

The Unimportant Numbers – 1 Month

Monthly figures are a distraction from your long-term goals, we’ll help you avoid the noise.

The Important Numbers – 30 Years

Investing in the Great Companies of the World has produced life-changing returns for the disciplined and patient investor.

Inflation – The Real Enemy (Updated November 2024)

The number one enemy of the long-term investor is the financial dragon called inflation (the silent but steady increase of prices over time).

The only sane definition of money is purchasing power, and over the last 30 years, inflation in the UK has almost halved the value of your money.

But an investment in the global share market has consistently provided protection from this enemy.


The media is not a friend of the disciplined and patient investor. Whether it’s on TV, Print or Online, the media prefers to focus on short-term returns, market predictions, and negative news. Which is not suitable for a long-term investor.

Below are the stories, podcasts, and images which we wanted to share with you this month, which are uplifting, interesting and informative.

These links below will take you to articles on other websites.

Interesting News

We present the following as an antidote to the onslaught of negative news.

Further Reading

Here are some articles you may find interesting this month.

Listen & Watch

A Picture is worth 1000 Words