Money Clinic

1:1 Money Clinic

These 20-minute 1:1 money clinics give your employees a change to confidentially discuss their personal finances with Warren Shute.

During the clinic sessions, your employees are given the opportunity to talk to Warren Shute about their money concerns and get personalized help on how to improve their financial situation. Shute uses his extensive experience in the financial sector to provide practical and achievable solutions that can help people take control of their finances and achieve their financial goals.

The clinics have been designed to help people overcome their money challenges and develop a better understanding of how to manage their finances.

The money clinic sessions are conducted in a non-judgmental and confidential environment, allowing employees to discuss their financial matters without fear of being judged or criticized.

Our money clinics have been hugely popular with employers and employees alike, who have praised the sessions for their practical advice and easy-to-understand approach. Many have said that the clinics have helped them to improve their finances and feel more confident about their financial future.

To enquire about booking a money clinic for your employees please complete the form below: