Your best year yet!


Before your new year celebrations begin, may I wish you a very happy, healthy and prosperous 2016 Norman.

The new year can bring various emotions to many. For some we get excited to celebrate and for others it reminds us of loved ones, who have since past.

We cannot control the future and the events that happen, but we can prepare ourselves for them by deciding how we will live.

Some people call these decisions ‘new year resolutions’, others goals or intentions. Whatever your terminology you are more likely to achieve what you want in 2016 if you decide what it is you want.

Goal setting is a little like Marmite, some love it, others hate it – most people when asked why they don’t like it will tell you that it’s because ‘it doesn’t work’ – often it’s because it did not work for them when they last did it. To protect themselves and to avoid failure, it’s safer not to be disappointed.

If life is worth living, it’s worth living by design.

So, take a moment, before you rush back to the office and get caught up with 2016, to ask yourself how you would like to live in 2016?

A great question to ask yourself would be:

‘If we were having this conversation on 31st December 2016 — and you were to look back over those 12 months to today—what has to have happened during that period, both personally and professionally, for you to feel happy about your progress?

Your answer to the question clearly defines your “Future-Based Self” and this knowledge enables you to begin taking action towards your future reality.

To help yourself succeed, break your 12 month goals into quarterly targets and then into monthly actions. A lot can happen in 12 months, and it’s easy to get caught up in life and forget what it is you really wanted.

To keep the goals at the forefront of your mind, keep them posted in a prominent place, like the bathroom mirror or your desk at work – and if you really want to ensure you make it – read them each morning when you wake and night before you sleep.

For those of you who will set goals for 2016 – I wish you every success and remember, I am here if I can help with anything.

Happy New Years Eve and 2016 – let’s make it the best year yet!