An Insight into Warren Shute


Warren is a Chartered Financial Planner and the Director of Lexington Wealth Management. He set-up the firm because he wanted to build a business that was focused on delivering expert financial advice with a client service focus. His approach to financial planning involves detailed cashflow modelling, strengthened by a passive investment approach. Warren’s aim is to help his clients achieve their lifestyle aspirations by structuring their financial affairs to support them.

Leading Credentials and Prestigious Memberships
As a Financial Planner since 1995, Warren has attained many of the profession’s highest qualifications as well as memberships to its leading bodies:

Warren is also a member of the prestigious Cellar Club, established in 1974 with members comprising of the UK’s most distinguished Financial Planners.

Paul Etheridge MBE, TD, JP, MBA, FCII (Founder of the Institute of Financial Planning), taught and mentored Warren for many years which has led to his long standing membership of Paul’s Prestwood Advanced Planners Group.

The Institute of Financial Planning granted Warren his Statement of Professional Standing (SPS) which is a post Retail Distribution Review (RDR) FSA requirement for all practicing investment advisers.

A Wealth of Experience – on TV, radio and more
As a leader in the profession, Warren has appeared on television (BBC & Bloomberg), Radio (BBC & Bloomberg) and in the local and national press. He currently writes a regular monthly column for the local press and prepares articles for national publications.

He has dedicated time to teaching and educating people on Financial Planning and Money Management matters and has taught in schools across the country, helping students to plan their transition to University. He has also presented to adults in seminars on retirement planning and other money matters.

Hobbies and Family Life
In 1995, Warren met his lovely wife Nicky at their first job together. Today, they still work alongside each other but now they have two children; a son Oliver, born in 2005 and a daughter Isabella, who was born in 2007. Both attend local schools.

A local piano teacher, Mary New is currently teaching Warren to play. Although slow progress is being made, he finds it very enjoyable and surprisingly relaxing (we’re not sure Nicky would agree!).

Warren enjoys Rugby, although now this is restricted to watching Oliver play for his school and local village club at weekends.

When not at work, or with his family, Warren spends as much time as he can at Barbury Shooting School. He thoroughly enjoys clay shooting so if you ask him, he may even take you up for a shoot.

Warren encourages his clients to lead the lives they aspire to. He takes his own advice on this matter too and enjoys regular holidays with his family.

If you would like to meet Warren, please get in touch.