Tag Archive: oil prices

  1. The Markets

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    You may be enjoying the economic benefits of petrol prices around £1.10 a litre, but last week investors were skeptical about the effect of low, low oil prices on companies’ performance during 2015. (more…)

  2. The Markets

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    Happy New Year to you!

    As you may be aware, the decline in oil prices accelerated during the fourth quarter of 2014. The main culprit was a supply and demand imbalance. Increased production in the United States, which is currently the biggest oil producer in the world, means there is an ample supply of oil. However, slowing growth in China and other countries, along with relatively warm winter weather in the United States, has lowered demand.


  3. The Markets

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    It was no fun to be an investor last week. The week prior, a commentary in The Wall Street Journal’s blog, MoneyBeat, offered this insight:

    “Falling oil prices are thought to be good for stocks because they stimulate consumer spending and hold down inflation. The lower costs support economic growth, boost corporate earnings, and lessen pressure on the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates. The stock market loves that mix.” (more…)