Tag Archive: GCHQ

  1. Merry Christmas!

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    Merry Christmas to you all , we hope you are all ready for the festive celebrations!

    Lexington will be wrapping up 2015 on Wednesday 23rd December at 5pm, closing through the Christmas period and reopening on Monday 4th January at 8.30am.

    We would like to take this opportunity to wish you a very happy Christmas and prosperous 2016.

    The Christmas period is a great opportunity to relax and unwind. If you, like me, want something to keep you occupied during this period, or would like a break from washing-up, GCHQ (The Goverment Communications Headquarters) have issued a festive quiz!

    GCHQ houses some of the UK’s top cryptographers, spies and intelligence agents. It’s perhaps not a surprise then, that their Christmas card features a fiendish cryptic puzzle.

    The card was sent by GCHQ director Robert Hannigan to everybody on the organisation’s Christmas card list. However, if you happen not to be a high-ranking intelligence agent, they also released the puzzle to the public.

    Potential Cryptographers are invited to submit their answer via given GCHQ email address by 31st January 2016 at which point the winner will be announced (or perhaps secretly offered a job with the British Civil Service).

    If you get the position, we are familiar with the British Civil Service pension scheme!

    Enjoy and we all look forward to speaking with you in 2016!