Tag Archive: currency

  1. The Markets

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    There may be potential for a reality television programme starring central bankers and the making of economic policy. It could be called, ‘The Real Central Bankers of the European Economic Community.’ Just imagine the last two weeks’ episodes. Two weeks ago, the Swiss National Bank shocked markets by unpegging its currency and sending the value of the Swiss franc skyward. (more…)

  2. We’ve All Talked About Spending Time….

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    ….but how many people really think of it as currency? The Economist offered an interesting commentary on the value of time last week or, more accurately, on the hidden cost of wasted time. It seems two billion people around the world have watched the Korean music video “Gangnam Style” on YouTube. The Economist commented, “At 4:12 minutes, that equates to more than 140 million hours, or more than 16,000 years.” That’s about how long it would take to build: (more…)