Tag Archive: Black Friday

  1. The Markets

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    In 2006, Time Magazine’s Person of the Year was ‘You.’ The magazine declared that 2006 was about: 

    “…Community and collaboration on a scale never seen before… It’s about the many wresting power from the few and helping one another for nothing and how that will not only change the world, but also change the way the world changes.” 

    Last week, in America,  J.P. Morgan named EVERYONE the winner of the “Most Promotional Retailer Award.” While communities across America are very interested in Black Friday sales, these events are less about empowerment and more about brawling for consumer goods. It’s a popular activity. In fact, a case could be built that one of the newest Thanksgiving holiday traditions involves the telling of riveting Black Friday (and now Thanksgiving Day) tales that describe retail shopping bravado and adventure.
